Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Makes A Good Presentation?

This post is really a shot in the dark.  I'm simply answering the question based on how I personally evaluate   the quality of a presentation.  This is not based on any readings or research on the topic.  With that said, I taught public speaking at Miami University in the late 80's.  The basic frame work for any speech or presentation is; tell them what you are going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you told them.  It seems silly when you first read it, but it works.  This is like the framing of a house.  The foundation of the "house" is the background work.  You must know your material.  Do the research and be prepared.    The rest of the house your are building comes in the form of the walls which are the facts and the furnishings which are the visuals used.  Organize the information so it is interesting and easy to follow.  Two very important elements of a good presentation are know your material and know your audience!  But the single most import element is keep it simple.  If your audience cannot follow your presentation, all the bells and whistles don't amount to anything but a waist of your effort and a waist of their time.

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