Sunday, March 27, 2011


Wow!  The initial viewing of my video was as frightening as viewing my bankstatements.  Hearing my own voice and seeing myself as others see me was very unsettling.  I would love to blame the camera or the camera angle as adding weight.  But clearly a new diet plan is in order.  Once I got over the shock of how I looked and sounded, I was able to view the video with a constructively critical eye.  Self-reflection and self-evaluation are valuable endeavors.  There is always room to improve and learn about yourself.  I would not want to critique myself all the time, but it definitely promotes the idea of personal growth.  I guess you could call it growing pains.  There were things I liked and the things I did not like I edited out.  In reality we do not get to edit out what did not work.  Critiquing the presentation in its entirety forced me to recognize areas that could be improved.  Many times in a classroom setting you have one shot to present the information.  The teachers who have taken a critical view of their presentation skills (and worked on weak areas) are in a better position to communicate more fluently and effectively.      

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