Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lesson Planning and Technology

009 2008 by dougsymington

009 2008 a photo by dougsymington on Flickr.
There are several wonderful technologies I used to put together a lesson plan on the 5 senses.  First, I used a computer program called Writing with Symbols to create two worksheets for children with low reading skills.  You type the text and it produces the words with picture symbols above the words.  This is a standard program used in special education classrooms.

I also used a scanner to download the worksheets onto my Mac and then to a jump drive.  I searched online and found great pictures of an ear, a nose, a hand, a tongue, and eyes and pasted all of them on one sheet to use as a visual for the lesson.

After I created 2 worksheets and the visual images, I put them on a jump drive.  I took the jump drive to an elementary school teacher and he helped me save it on SmartBoard Notebook.  He helped me format/save each one so I could use the SmartBoard pins easily.  Apparently if they are not formatted/saved in this way the pins don't always cooperate.  Who knew??

I am very excited to use the SmartBoard to present the lesson plan.  The list of technologies used for this lesson plan are as follows: Writing with Symbols computer program, google image, a scanner, a jump drive, and a SmartBoard.  It is nice to have access to all these technological tools.  However, I would be remiss to not acknowledge the human factor that helped all this come together.  I want to thank Mr. Gates, the third grade teacher at Meadowview Elementary, who spent his plan period helping me prepare the documents for the SmartBoard.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!      

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