Thursday, February 24, 2011


I had to google HTML to see what it was before I could post this blog.  Now that I know it is a "language" to set up web designs I feel very confident that I would have NO use for it at all.  During the mid eighties (yes I'm dating myself) I had to take a computer programing course.  I cannot even remember the computer language.  I think it was...Cobal or something??  I chose to take it in the summer because professors seem to be more relaxed during the summer.  A good friend of mine, who was an IS major, help me every step of the way.  I couldn't tell you one thing I learned.  I retained the information long enough to get through the class, then boom it was gone!!!  I am all for WYSIWYG and a technology teacher standing right there to guide me through step by step.  This blog and our web page has already sent me WAY out of my comfort zone.  I cannot imagine learning HTML for the purpose of designing a web page.  You may as well as me to give a presentation on astrophysics in French.

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