Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2.0 Tools

The introduction to Web 2.0  tools, for me, was unsettling.  As the discussion of Web 2.0 tools progressed, I realized how little I know.  It turns out you really only need to know a few to create great learning experiences.  I used Voice Thread (  The site provides a creative, free, easy way to develop tailor made lessons.  I used it for a phonics lesson.  Once you have your sequence of pictures, you record your voice and/or printed text.  I loved it!!  I thought it was very easy to learn.  It would not be a tool I would use if I needed movement in the lesson.  These are still shots.  Voice thread allows you to "tell the story".

This tool provides the teacher a flexible way to tailor the content for a particular student or a particular lesson.  I was amazed at how easy it was to create this lesson.  The students could add there voice to a lesson.  The teacher could tell social stories using voice thread.  The possibility are endless.  I am excited to share my (short) lesson and share my experience with this tool.  If I can navigate this web site, ANYONE can.

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