Thursday, April 28, 2011

Technology and Teaching

Technology definitely changes the way we teach.  I'm sure there are still plenty of teachers who have not entered the 21st century.  I must admit I was in about 1999 when I started this course.  I now see the value in keeping up with the technological times.  It is a central part of the life experiences of students today.  They have grown up with fast food, cell phones, internet, movies on demand, microwavable everything, books online, the list goes on and on.  The point being...they are experiencing life where just about anything can be obtained and/or completed instantly.

If teachers want to reach the 21st century learner, technology is essential.  The tools teachers have to create lessons are virtually endless.  The hard part is keeping up with it.  However, the most basic technologies are great for record keeping and communicating.  Teachers today have the ability to instantly get a message to a parent or instantly check a student's grades.  These are both time savers!!

While there are many up-sides to technology, teachers must use it wisely.  There isn't anything wrong with going back to the basics every now and then.  I think some of us would refer to that as the "good old days" when life was simple.  


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