Friday, April 29, 2011

Best and Worst of Ed. Tech. & Teaching

I was very intimidated by this class in the beginning.  Mr. Becksfort and his laid back teaching style set me at ease right away.  The low key atmosphere helped me relax.  I think because of this I was way more open and willing to try new things.  We did not have the pressure of mass reading material and tests.  It was a very hands on practical class.  The information was presented (using technology) and then we were given ample practice time in class.  I appreciated having the time in class while Mr. Becksfort was there to "trouble shoot".  For a lot of us these were new skills being taught.  There is nothing more frustrating than trying to conquer something new on your own.  I was worried that I would become so frustrated that I would either give up or turn out sub-standard work.  The only reason that did not happen was all the one-on-one help!!

Because of this class I am now addicted to Prezi.  I have created 4 presentations on since Mr. Becksfort introduced us to it.  I also love  These are two great tools I will continue to use.  My teenagers cannot believe I have a blog and a web site.  The best part clearly was Mr. Becksfort and all his help.  The downside is remembering all the things introduced to us.  The worst part of the class was continually feeling lost and/or confused.  However, the mini successes along the way (blog, web site, prezi, and voicethread) brought such a feeling of pride and accomplishment.  I truly appreciate the teaching style and laid back environment of this course.  

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